Do you remember your very first real friend? I do. Her name is Kaye Louise Kooyers Centers. We met the summer of 1952, when we were only five years old. My family had just moved to the old farm house my parents had purchased. Her mother came and welcomed us to the area. She was excited to find out that our family had a little girl about to enter kindergarten just like she did. Our mothers made sure we met before the first day of school so each of us would know someone else on that scary first day.

The old dirt road by our house only connected a few farms and farm land. We lived at the top of the hill on that old dirt road. At the bottom of the hill, about a half mile from our house, is where Kaye lived. Her father was in the process of building them a house. All that was completed, when we moved to the area in 1952, was the basement with the floor of the coming home as the roof; which meant all you could see above ground was the door. Like many families at that time period, they occupied the basement while completing the actual house. Kaye and I had some fun times in that basement home.

At least once a week, one of us would walk the half mile to the other’s house to play. We would each walk half way and then either my mother or one of my older sisters would stand at the top of the hill and either watch us as we walked hand in hand to Kaye’s or watch Kaye as she came up the hill and we would walk hand in hand to our house. After all, we were only five years old. This ritual would continue until we were old enough to make the walk without supervision.
Regardless of whose house we were playing at, we always had such a good time. I remember so well Kaye’s basement home. Her parents had used curtains to artfully divide the space into “rooms”. I always felt so safe as we played with Kaye’s wooden dollhouse; by the way, this was my favorite toy of hers. It had people that were actually dressed in clothing. While we played, her mother was only a short distance away working in the kitchen area.

When Kaye came to our house, we often played in the dining room. When my mother died forty-three years ago, I received a very touching message from my friend. She was saddened by my loss and said she always remembered us quietly playing while my mother was usually ironing or sewing.
Kaye and I were in the same classroom all the way through elementary school. We played together on the playground, either swinging, hanging from the monkey bars, or as we got older, playing jump rope.
When we were in the 6th grade, we both joined 4H. Our project to enter into the county fair that year was a sewing project. Once a week, we would take the school bus to our leader’s house. She would help us with our sewing. We would take turns on her old treadle sewing machine. The only problem; she had two pet rats. While I sewed, Kaye would keep an eye out for the rats. While she sewed, I did the same. That my friends, is friendship.

Once we entered junior high and then high school, we often had separate classes. However, the friendship was still there. We would still hang out at each other’s house. It was during these years that we started a new tradition: Christmas caroling. We would usually all meet at Kaye’s house and begin our trek around the neighborhood. The evening’s event would always end at my house with plenty of hot chocolate.

All through high school we still rode the bus together and often still talked and took the time to visit each other at our houses. For years, we even exchanged Christmas presents. I still have the little ceramic angel I received from her one Christmas. It has become a part of our nativity scene. I also have the charm bracelet and all of the charms she gave me through the years.
My senior photo Kaye’s senior photo
After high school, even though Kaye and I attended the same university, we seldom saw each other. However, when it came time for me to get married, I did not hesitate calling on my first and forever friend to serve as my maid of honor. Because she was at my side, it made the day even more special.

After my and then her marriage, we sort of went our separate ways. Our communication consisted of the annual Christmas card and small accompanying note. We both made new friends but that never diminished our friendship. It was still there, no matter how many years or miles separated us.
We celebrated our fifty-year high school reunion five years ago. It was so exciting for both of us to get together and talk as if the years had not passed by. When you are good friends, it is like that. Now, with social media, we are able to keep in touch and see what the other is doing.
Kaye turns 72 73 and me
I received a very nice comment from Kaye on Facebook last week. She had just finished reading my novel, Justice For Lindsey, and had written an awesome recommendation. Being my long-term friend, that meant the world to me. Then, three days ago, she messaged me that she had lost my phone number and would I send it to her.
The following day, she called and we must have talked for over an hour. She again told me how much she liked my book. She asked me questions about self-publishing and told me the little details that made the book special for her.

Then we talked about really good books we had each read and exchanged titles to look for. We talked about our growing up and the fun we had. She told me about the awesome condo her husband and she have purchased in Florida. I am so excited for her. As she said, it is a long way from living in the basement.

She asked about my family and we talked about the wonderful progress our son has made since his stroke almost two months ago.
It was as though the years and miles had never happened. When you have that one true friend, it doesn’t matter if you see them often or even talk to them often. When you do, you seem to pick up right where you left off the last time.

The years have actually been kind to both Kaye and I. We each have a good marriage that has lasted 50+ years. We each have awesome children and grandchildren that mean the world to us. She has been fortunate to travel the world and I get to travel virtually with her.
My hubby and me Kaye and her hubby
That is what true friendship is all about. True friends are really never apart. They share so many precious memories that they made together. There is a quote that I like that says it all: “Friends are the people who make you smile brighter, laugh louder and live better.”
There is a scripture passage that I like that refers to LOVE. It is I Corinthians 15: 4-6. I like to think of that passage when I think of true friendship. I just replace the word LOVE with Friendship.
“Friendship is patient and kind
Friendship does not envy or boast
Friendship is not proud or self-seeking
Friendship always protects and trusts
Friendship always hopes and perseveres
Friendship never fails”
That is the type of friendship that we have. Thank you Kaye, for being my friend for sixty-eight years. I look forward to many more and to our next phone call.

As always, “Don’t Save Today for Tomorrow.”
I just have to say that you are truly inspiring and I love reading your posts. I didn’t realize you were the one that wrote the Justice for Lindsey. I loved reading your posts about them and your book is on my list of ones to read. I enjoy reading your posts about your childhood too. I’m in my mid 30s, raising 3 kids and hoping my blog will be successful someday. People like you give me the inspiration to keep going.
What a beautiful friendship! It’s rare to hear of one that has lasted that long.
Such a beautiful story about an unbreakable bond!
This is so beautiful! I love beautiful friendships like this that stand the test of time and change. What a gift!
What a beautiful story! I remember my first friend. Although we don’t talk anymore I’m still friends with her on Facebook and we can see what the other is up to. She was quite a bit older than I was so we only hung out on the bus.
Such an amazing friendship! I love the fact that your both always there for each other when needed and you both can share so many beautiful memories!
These Friends become so important to have across a lifetime. I have a few folks who I share all of my experiences with.
Aw, lovely post. Today is one of my forever friend’s birthdays! So special.
What a beautiful read! I have a friend like this too
Awww.. this made me tear up. I have a friend from 3rd grade that I still stay in touch with. It is special.
What a wonderful story of friendship. You’re so blessed to have each other and still be close!
What a sweet tribute to your friend. Special friendships are rare, but oh so beautiful.
What a wonderful story about friendship. I have one friend that I’ve had since the 3rd grade and we keep up with each other on social media. Every now and then, we will talk on the phone like time hadn’t passed. That’s friendship for you. Thank you so much for reminding me.
This was wonderful to read! It reminded me of one of my oldest and dearest friends. Even though we live across the country from each other, it’s as if time hasn’t passed. You’re so lucky to still have each other.
What a wonderful story. True friendship is so rare.
I love this… it took me back!
I am blessed to have some lifelong friends as well. So special…thank you for sharing!
How blessed you are to have such an incredible long term friend!
Love this!! One of my best friends to this day was in my 3rd grade class. We met when we were 8, graduated together, were in each others’ weddings and so much more, like you two. Congrats on keeping the friendship going!
What a lovely story of friendship.
I love this! Finding a true friend is something super special!
That’s such a wonderful story. Thank you for sharing!
This is a great friendship! I am still in touch with quite a few of my friends from childhood. Some I have known for more than 45 years.
I loved reading your story. It must be so special to have a lifelong friend (and rare). I resonated with the quote about never losing friends, just finding out which ones truly are your friends. So very true.
This is so sweet! Friendships are an essential part of life and we need our girlfriends so much! I am blessed with great friends too 🙂
What a very special gift to have a friendship that has lasted so many experiences and years. You are blessed. Thanks for sharing.
What a truly amazing friendship! I have one friend that we have known each other for 30 years.. it’s amazing to know no matter what we are there for each other!