“My Toolbox For Healthy Living”

Having a healthy body doesn’t necessarily mean having a size six body. We are all built differently. What works for one isn’t for someone else. I lost weight because the extra 38 pounds I was carrying around was having a negative impact on my quality of life. My cholesterol levels were on the boarder and my joints hurt from my osteoarthritis. The foods I was eating were not helping nor was my sedentary lifestyle.

Now that I have achieved my weight loss goal, changed my lifestyle, eating habits and increased my daily activity, my quality of life has greatly improved. I can hike, climb stairs and workout without pain or getting tired and winded. Living a healthier life has made all the difference.

For me, living healthy has become a full time commitment. I love the quote that says, “It’s never too early or too late to work towards being a healthier you.” This is so very true as I have discovered. In order to live healthy, I have put together my personal toolbox to help me achieve my goals.

The first item in my toolbox is my monthly vision board. For those of you not familiar with this, a vision board is (as defined by the Oxford dictionary), “a collage of images and words representing a person’s wishes or goals, intended to serve as inspiration or motivation.” Mine consists of twelve categories, some which stay the same each month and others that change to fit my current situation. It is a visual reminder of why I began this journey, what I want to accomplish each month and keeps me accountable to me. My categories for November are: 1) Health and Fitness, 2) Eating, 3) Thinking, 4) Family, 5) Celebrating, 6) Reading, 7) Spiritual, 8) Wearing, 9) Self-care, 10) Doing, 11) Making, 12) Going.

The second item in my toolbox is my monthly workout calendar. When I first started this journey I needed my workouts to boost my calorie burning. Now that I have loss the weight, I have embraced daily workouts as a portion of my new lifestyle. I try to mix up my workouts each day so I don’t get bored and slack off. However, yoga is a part of every day. Why yoga? I have to admit, I always made fun of people who did yoga. I had a preconceived perception about them. However, my fitness coach suggested I give it a try to help with toning up my body. I definitely needed that after the pounds started dropping. So I thought, why not. I bought a book that gives you adaptations for the various poses and I also bought a DVD on gentle yoga. It turned out yoga was just what I needed. It has improved my range of motion and balance; both of which are very important for a person my age. It has also increased my muscle strength, stamina and eased my joint pain. An added bonus is that I can do it anywhere.

The third item in my toolbox is my recipe “book.” It isn’t an actual book but a composition notebook. It is full of favorite recipes I have adapted to make them healthier and more calorie friendly. It also contains new recipes I have gathered for some of my new favorite meals. I have added all the new healthy muffin recipes I have created using whole grain flours and Stevia. I am always looking for new recipes to add.

The fourth item in my toolbox is my self-care checklist. It has become part of my routine as well. It is very important for my health and for my loved ones that I take care of me. I read a wonderful book last December that resonated with me. Its title is, “One Word That Will Change Your Life,” by John Gordon, Dan Britton and Jimmy Page. It was recommended to me by a dear friend. It is a short read with a powerful message. The word I chose for 2019 has been GRATITUDE. I include the word on top of each of my monthly vision boards to remind me of all I have and how far I have come. I already know that my word for 2020 will be SIMPLIFY. We have way too much stuff. It is time to clean it out and let it go. A quote by Melissa Camara Wilkins says it all. “If your stuff isn’t serving you, it won”t be serving you any better packed away in a box.”

The fifth and last item in my toolbox is one of the most important. It is included in the back of my recipe book and has helped to change my mindset. It contains all the strategies I use to stay on target. It contains reminders that no food is off limits and if I choose to go over my calorie budget it is okay because my new relationship with food is guilt free. I have the tools to get back on track the next day and not give up on myself.

This healthy living toolbox has made all the difference in who I have become. Besides the toolbox, I have also made use of many free apps on my Smart Phone to track my calories, activity, steps, water intake, logging my meals and free workout videos.

What is in your toolbox for healthy living? Feel free to share. Also, if you would like to know more about the items in my toolbox, comment here or leave your email and I will get back to you.

35 thoughts on ““My Toolbox For Healthy Living””

  1. It sounds like you have truly found what works for you to create your best life! I’ve done some of the thibgsyouve mentioned! Working on others. Thanks for sharing!

  2. This is a great idea – never thought of it as my own “toolbox” and love the analogy!

  3. I love this statement: Having a healthy body doesn’t necessarily mean having a size six body. We are all built differently. What works for one isn’t for someone else.

    It has taken me a lot of years and self love reflection to accept that and love myself for who I am! As you discuss, it is all about being healthy!

  4. A workout calendar is so key! I am good at a couple times a week gym workouts, but if I have it scheduled in, especially with what my workout for that day is, I really do a lot more or push myself harder!

  5. I love the toolbox idea. I have been on a healthy journey this year. Not only to lose a stubborn 10-15 lbs but also to get leaner. I use my fitbit to track exercise, water intake, and what I eat and try and stick to a certain calorie count. What I have found is that by making small adjustments and most importantly sticking to them, it makes a world of difference!

  6. Congrats on the positive changes you made! I love your toolbox ideas. I write down my goals and try to read daily. It helps to to stay on track!

  7. Suzan | It's My Sustainable Life

    Always good to have a plan and staying accountable to that plan! So glad you’ve found what works for you!

  8. Knowing yourself is definitely the first step. So many people choose to follow others and we need to personalize our approaches instead. Great post!

  9. Cynthia Mailhot

    My toolbox is very lacking I have to say. your post has some great ideas and advice. Thank yoU!

  10. Angela Sedlak | Mean Green Chef

    Great post for healthy positive living 🙂 Gratitude is a wonderful word for sure (I’ve read the book) another word that changed my life is “No” for the better. Thanks for sharing 🙂

  11. I love this! I never really thought of it in terms of a toolbox. First would be my running. Running is not only how I get some exercise, but it is my therapy. Second, fueling my body right for my running. I am a long distance runner and need to make sure I fuel properly each and every day. I was injured much of last year and gained some weight. Right now I am balancing losing weight and making sure I am fueled for a run. Third, I make sure I do something everyday that is just for me (other than running). I read, scrapbook, watch a movie, etc. Finally, surround myself with positive, uplifting people.

  12. Simplify! I love that. Also love ‘no food is off limits’ bc you have the tools!

  13. I am proud of you for making the changes you need to have quality of life. So many do not and struggle to make those changes.

  14. honestly, my tool box is morning prayer, dinner prayer, and daily looks at my goals and projects lists to make sure I’m on track. I need it to be reminders and simple…

  15. I think it’s great that you have established a system that works and focuses on taking care of YOU!

  16. Great post. I’d love to hear about your eating plan. I’ve lost and gained weight all my life. Currently, I’m in the gained weight category. I’ll be 60 years old in January. I have also developed osteoarthritis in my neck, shoulders, hands, and knees. I’m certainly feeling my age. Once I set my mind to losing weight, I do really well. Earlier this year I worked hard to lose 20 lbs before my trip to Africa. Once I got back, though, I’ve gained it all back (haven’t actually weighed myself yet). I also work a very physical job 3 nights a week, and I try to sleep during the day. Going back and forth with sleep has caused me a lot of stress.

    It seems like what you are doing might help me as well.

    By the way, I’m currently creating my own blog called Traveling Boomerz. I absolutely love to travel. I want to blog about my trips and talk about anything else regarding traveling. I’m also partnering with two people to create tours – one is a travel agent and the other is the director of a safari company in Uganda, where I visited in June. I live near Vancouver, British Columbia Canada.

    1. Kim, I will put something together today for you and give you an idea of what I do. It all comes from the weight loss program I am part of. I don’t know if you are interested in what it is or not. It does cost. If not, I will share with you everything I have learned from the program. I am not a coach but can work with you and help you if you would like. I also have other resources I use as I have a very good friend who is a fitness and nutrition coach. Your blog sounds exciting. Let me know when you get it up and running. I would like to see it.

    2. Kim, I just published a new post called, :In A Nutshell.” It tells all about my eating plan. Check it out and let me know if there is anything else I can help you with.

    3. I wrote you a reply once but I didn’t know my email wasn’t working. Check out the “In a Nutshell “ post. It gives the information you asked about.

  17. Love your post. I work as a physical therapist tech and have heard all the excuses for not doing the right thing for body mind and spirit. You however, have taken full responsibility for your own self. I too have a personal tool box for good living with the exception of the vision board- love that idea!
    Thank you for being an inspiration

    1. Stephanie, Thank you for your kind words. One of the reasons I started this blog was in the hopes my story would inspire others.

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