(Author Newsletter…Volume 1, Edition 1)
If you happen to follow me on Facebook, you may know that I have changed the name of my blog to “The Write Way with Chris“, as I am incorporating my blog as part of my author website. I will feature a monthly Newsletter on this site the last week of each month, that is devoted entirely to my writing. The target audience is my followers on my Facebook author page, Christina Siwik Author, so if you don’t follow that page, now is your chance. This is the first edition of my author newsletter.

I hope that all of my followers are having a wonderful summer, with lots of warm weather and fun activities. I am not a fan of the really hot and humid weather, but it does help the flowers blossom and vegetables grow. It also gives you an opportunity to sit at the beach with a good book.
I must admit, summer makes it harder to sit down at my computer and write when it is so nice outside. We also camp a lot in the summer, and usually camp at rustic campgrounds, so any writing I do is in longhand, in a leather notebook I carry along. Quite often, while my husband is fishing, I am writing. I also have another feature I use to make little notes about the current book I am writing, especially as we are driving along, and something comes to me. It is the NOTES app on my phone.

This spring and summer find me writing and editing novellas (books) #5 and #6 of the Sophie London-Evin Foster Mystery series. I created Sophie and Evin in the summer of 2020, and since then, the sleuthing couple have solved quite a few crimes together. For those of you unfamiliar with these characters, Sophie is a prominent author of mysteries, and Evin runs a successful private investigation agency.
I introduced Sophie and Evin in the first two novellas of the series in, “He Never Said Good-Bye” and “Deception in the Moonlight”. These novellas are available on Amazon.com in one book. If you have Kindle Unlimited, you can read them for free.

I just completed a Free give away of “He Never Said Good-Bye” and “Deception in the Moonlight”, as well as the second two novellas in the series, “STONEHAVEN” and “Four Days to Midnight.” The winner was Stephanie A. Whenever I have a Free give away, I announce it on my Facebook page and entry is easy. It simply requires you to leave your name in the comments section. I now include a 30% off coupon for my other paperback novels that can be purchased directly from me. The coupon is good for one year.

The upcoming Sophie London-Evin Foster Mysteries novellas I am in the process of editing are titled, “The Truth About Lara” and “Secret of Briarwood”. They should be ready for publication either the end of August or the first part of September. If you haven’t introduced yourself to Sophie and Evin, this summer is a perfect time, so you will be ready for books #5 and #6. I will reveal the cover in my July newsletter.
Here are some inspiration photos and a little peek into the current Sophie London-Evin Foster mystery I am working on. Evin’s ex-wife shows up at his door and the intrigue begins. “The Truth About Lara” is book #5 of the series and takes place in Nashville, Tennessee and Bowling Green, Kentucky. If you haven’t met Sophie and Evin, Sophie is the dark-haired beauty and Evin is the handsome guy wearing glasses. The blond is Evin’s ex, Lara, and the other good-looking gentleman is Clay Richey, Evin’s assistant. Of course, these photos are simply inspiration photos that I took off of Pinterest, but this is how I imagine my characters look. By the way, the black lab is Oscar.

In July, I will share a little with you about my writing process and give you a peek into book #6 in the series, “Secret of Briarwood.” Meanwhile, all four of my books are available on Amazon in both e-book and paperback. You can purchase them directly from this site by clicking on the book cover, located to the right of this blog.
Until next time, pick up a book and read.