First thing Friday morning, Carron was off to The Silver Turtle for some meetings with some of her suppliers and she hoped another day of brisk sales. She loved her life and what she did and never tired of her hectic schedule. As she and Michelle closed up for the day, Michelle assured her things would be just fine with her gone Saturday.
She was so excited about seeing Sarah, that she had a hard time going to sleep that night. As she was getting ready for bed, it dawned on her that Sarah’s time was an hour ahead of Chicago. Because of this, she was up at 5:00 and out the door by 6:00 for the drive to South Bend. Leaving that early would get her to South Bend right around the 9:00 she had told Sarah.
Because they were going to flea markets, Carron had driven the store van today. There was no way the items she wanted to purchase would fit into her small car. As she pulled the van in front of Sarah’s house two hours later, Carron could see her friend watching for her from her front porch. Carron waved and Sarah hurried down the steps and straight to Carron’s vehicle.

“Where to for breakfast?” asked Carron.
“There’s a cute little pancake house not too far from here,” Sarah said. “Why don’t we head for there.’
“Sounds good to me,” said Carron. “Just head me in the right direction.
It only took them ten minutes to reach the restaurant. They were seated, served coffee and ordered their breakfast.
As they were waiting for the food to arrive, Sarah asked Carron, “What types of things will we be looking for at the flea markets? I am trying to remember what some of the things were from when Mom and I were in your store.”
“I am glad you asked,” said Carron. “I have a sketch in the van I will show you after breakfast. What I will need is a coal scuttle, some large springs for the arms, a child’s size shovel and something for the halo. I am also making this angel special so am looking for a small metal watering can. I already have a tub of small springs in my studio so won’t need any of those, unless we come across a great deal.”
“It sure sounds like you have it all under control then,” Sarah responded. “You also mentioned you would like to find some things for the store. What kind of things?”
“I am always on the lookout for old buckets, shovels, pipe and other pieces of metal. You never know when they will come in handy for making one of my metal sculptures. I am in the process of designing something to use in our holiday display but haven’t decided just what, as of yet. I am hoping I will get an inspiration while shopping today.”
Just then, their waitress arrived with their meal, so all serious conversation was suspended while they ate.

With breakfast over, it was only another ten-minute drive to the first flea market. Carron hadn’t been to this one for some time and was excited to see there were many new vendors. She had taken the time to show Sarah her sketch before they had left the restaurant. Sarah had been impressed, so now, with sketch in hand, they began the process of hunting down the needed items.
It only took about an hour to find almost everything they needed. They were still in search of something that could possibly be used as the halo, so decided to divide and conquer. Sarah had gone in the opposite direction. Carron was just turning the corner of one of the aisles, when she stopped dead in her tracks. She didn’t know why, but a child’s table and chairs set suddenly caught her attention. She walked over to it and lightly ran her fingers over the surface. A nagging memory tried to surface and then it was gone.

About the same time, Sarah was coming from the other direction and saw her. “Carron, is something wrong? For a minute there you had the strangest look on your face.”
Carron looked up and said, “I just had another déjà vu moment. For just a fleeting minute, I had a memory of sitting at a table like this when I was little and coloring. The set I pictured was painted a light pink and had pretty dark roses painted on both the table and chairs. However, I don’t ever remember having a set like this when I was growing up; neither in England or at Berwick. It was the strangest feeling.”
“Maybe you were at a friend’s house or someplace else,” Sarah said.
“Maybe,” said Carron. “Oh well, it’s not important. What is important is that for now we continue gathering the items I need. Did you have any luck?”
“I think so,” said Sarah. “I found a couple of items that you might be able to fashion the halo from and I also found something else. Come see.”
Carron followed Sarah to a vendor halfway down the aisle from where she was. There was a very large circular saw blade. Sarah was right. Carron did think she could make it into a halo.
“Well, what do you think?” asked Sarah. “When you showed me how you plan on using half of a really small circular saw blade for the mouth, I got the idea this might work for the halo.”
“You have a good eye, Sarah. I think this will be just right,” Carron said. “What is the other item you wanted to show me?”
The vendor also had the other item Sarah had found. Sarah was pointing out two holiday yard angels that had seen better days but the wings were intact on both of them.
“I usually fashion the angel wings out of chicken wire but these are even better,” Carron told her.
Carron did her usual haggling with the booth owner and purchased the saw blade and both of the angels. She would use the wings on the garden angel and was sure some of the other parts would come in handy for other projects.
With the final purchase being placed, Sarah and Carron began making their way out of the building and to the van. Carron wanted to pull it up to the loading area where the vendors had taken all of her purchases.
Once everything was loaded and they were getting ready to leave, Carron stopped.
“Did you forget something?” asked Sarah.
“No, we have everything I need. It’s just, I can’t seem to get that table and chairs set out of my mind. I think I’ll go back and buy it. I can turn it into a cute little child’s garden set and sell it in the store.”
Carron didn’t know why, but she just had to have that table set.

Oooo a mystery with the child’s table and chairs. I look forward to discovering the connection.
I’m so so curious to know more about the memory of the toddler table and chairs!!!
I haven’t been to the flea market in forever!
And now I’m drawn in even further! Look forward to these weekly story snippets.
You’re great at really capturing your audiences attention!
I’m loving this story so far!
You are really good at stopping at the right spot in the narrative.
It must have some significance!
Love your writing! So descriptive – you can picture what is happening. Wonderful job.
I’m really enjoying reading your story. I look forward to it each week!!!!
Your writing is very descriptive and helps me to visualize the story.
I think I need that table and chairs too! Adorable find! I love how you are developing this story.
Capturing the draw of a flea market perfectly! Can’t wait to read more!
Another great addition!
Great story so far, can’t wait to read how it unfolds!
I love how you wove the flea market find into your story.
Flea markets are always so much fun to checkout. You can find lots of interesting items.
Sounds like a fun adventure traveling to the flea market! I can relate to getting up early when excited for an upcoming adventure 🙂
You are keeping me wanting more.. this is an amazing story!
I take that as a huge compliment coming from you. Thank you.
It’s amazing what can be done with the treasures found at flea markets!