June 3rd of this year is a day I will never forget. It was the day we received a phone call from our daughter-in-law telling us that our seemingly healthy 44-year-old son had suffered an Ischemic stroke. No parent wants to hear that a child of theirs, no matter what the age, is ill. The worst thing about the situation was that at that time, no one could be with him in the hospital. He slowly began to make progress. His speech returned with only slight differences and thankfully, there was no lasting affects to his mental capacity.
Our daughter-in-law would call or text and give us daily updates on our son’s progress. She told me once that she could not believe how upbeat I was with whatever news she gave us. She wondered how I did it. I told her that I had faith and trust in God and that He had a plan.

You might ask, where did this faith come from? I spent my first twenty-two years attending a Baptist church. I would go to Sunday school and Sunday service. In the summer I would attend Vacation Bible school. As a Baptist, I memorized a lot of scripture. The very first long scripture I memorized was the Twenty-Third Psalms. Since that time, it has always been my go-to scripture during difficult times.

When I met and married my husband of fifty-one years, I became a Roman Catholic. However, the only things that changed for me were the ways in which I celebrated on Sunday. I guess I became a Baptist Catholic. I held onto many of the teachings I had learned as a child and embraced the new precepts of Catholicism; however, the Twenty-Third Psalms was always with me.

Faith and prayer got me through the time our son had to spend in the hospital. Today, six weeks later, as I write this, I am sitting in my son’s living room and having a wonderful conversation with him. He spent a month in the hospital and has been home for two weeks and has begun his journey on his road to recovery. Thanks to physical therapy, speech therapy and occupational therapy, he is able to walk with a leg brace and his walker. His speech is almost back to normal and his outlook is good. This week, his father and I are acting as care givers so his wife can go back to work. New priorities are now in place for us all and our son has new goals to work towards.

It seems as though 2020 has brought so many challenges to our family and has taught us all to take a look at what is important. First, there was the Corona Virus. That alone changed the way we do everyday things. We were not able to visit our children and grandchildren until the end of June…the last time we had visited any of them had been over Christmas.

In May, our son-in-law was hit by a drunk driver. Thankfully, our son-in-law was okay but the vehicle they had almost finished paying for was destroyed. Once again, new priorities arose. A vehicle could be replaced but not the person.

If life has taught us anything else this year, it has taught us to adjust. Due to Covid-19, our granddaughter had to change all of her wedding plans. They are getting married at the court house in August and the party planned for October will happen next year. Our family reunion and my 55th high school reunion have both been rescheduled for 2021. Life goes on.

There are many wonderful things that have happened this year as well. None of our children lost their jobs due to the virus. A couple of them had to learn to work from home but have adjusted to this. Our granddaughter actually took a new job that she really loves.

Even though we were separated for so long by the miles, I do believe our family has become even closer. Our daughter-in-law has talked so many times about the support she received from our children when their brother was in the hospital. As an only child, she couldn’t stop talking about how thankful she was for them all. She made me realize how blessed I really am.

Having to spend so many weeks at home, I actually finished the novel I had been working on for years and published it. With the wonderful reception I have received, I am now working on novel number two and some of the other ideas that have been running around in my head for years.

I am sure that we will continue to face many new challenges for the rest of 2020. However, I have my faith to rely on and have confidence that our family can handle whatever comes our way.

What challenges are you currently facing? How are you handling these challenges? Have your priorities changed? Does your cup runneth over? Take sometime today and take an inventory of all the positives in your life.

As always…”Don’t Save Today For Tomorrow.”
I was also raised Baptist and married a Catholic guy. I never became Catholic but would often go to the Catholic church, especially since our kids went to Catholic school. I’m still Baptist but to me it’s just a name. We, as followers of Christ, whether Catholic or Protestant, are Christian. One of my favorite Psalms.
Alice, I so agree with you.
What a year you’ve had…and yet you have a bright, positive attitude. I love that!
I love this post!!! I know that God only gives us what we can handle, and the rest of it, he takes care of that. I keep this in my forefront mind when I think I’m encountering a challenge to difficult to handle.
That is one of the worst calls you can receive. I am so glad your faith got you through such a rough time.
Wow, so powerful. Thanks for sharing!
I’m so glad to hear he is on the road to recovery. What a wonderful perspective you have.
I’m glad my husband and I have not have any major health issues because I would not accept having to be separated. I don’t know how people do it.
2020 had definitely been a year of people stopping, slowing down and reflecting on what’s important.
Such a personal story to share, that takes a lot of courage. Blessings to you and your family.
Wow! Faith has helped you through so much this year! I’m a convert to Catholicism, too! But I didn’t grow up practicing anything else, so it was a huge change for me lol. But faith has guided me through some very dark times. I’m so thankful your son is on the mend! Sending you continued prayers!
Such good info!
Keep focusing on the good! You’ve got this! Prayers!
Thank you for sharing your story! I’ve really tried to focus on finding the good in all the bad I’ve experienced. With all the bad that’s been going on, relying on my faith is what has gotten me through.
I think that 2020 will be a continual year of adjustment. I love change so it’s been fairly easy to adjust to the new norm and I am not looking forward to going back to the way things were…
My biggest challenge is that my mom has stage 4 cancer for the 5th time over the course of 20 years – different cancers. She’s 3000 miles away. I don’t visit because she’s weak and although I don’t have any symptoms and could be tested prior to visiting, I don’t…just in case. And yet, I fear that she won’t make it and that I’ll have missed an opportunity to spend time with her. I’ve been leaning on Christ.
That is what we have to do-lean on and hold his hand.
I am so happy that your son is recovering without any major adverse effects from the stroke.
Change is inevitable … it is how you deal with the change that matters. Thank you for the inspiration!
Another inspiring post! Having gratitude for the good things and finding it even in the bad times has been a little harder for me these days! I look at my challenges as a way to keep connected with our Heavenly Father and pray for guidance when I’m struggling!
This year really is a crazy year. I love that you have so much faith. All these trails will pass but we will be stronger as a family for them. Maybe that is why covid has happened so we can be stronger as families.
Gosh, there have been SO many challenges this year. I guess my current worry is about how schools will reopen. As a teacher who will be in contact with over 1,000 kids a week this fall (if we go back in-person) I’m nervous. But you’re right, we should look at our blessings and have faith. Just in case, though, my will and POA are ready, God forbid my family needs to utilize them.
I am so glad your son is okay. I enjoyed how you took each of these verses and wrote about how you are using them as guidance to meet the challenges in your life.
Beautifully written post! I’m an occupational therapist by trade and I’m always elated to hear when therapy is involved in getting someone on a road to recovery. Best thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family.
We have also faced many challenges this year, some directly related to Covid19. I have had to lean on my faith as well, as there is so much happening I cannot understand with my mind.
I love your outlook on life. Focus on the good!
Thank you for sharing. I truly believing in counting my blessings. Our family has had a few bumps in the road over the last year as well… but we are learning to make the best of it!
Thanks for sharing your story. Yes, life is full of challenges that always have blessings in them. Its hard when you are going through it, but your faith allows you to lean into it and know that it will prevail at some point. Sometimes you see it and sometimes you don’t. But its there. Thanks again.