On Tuesday, March 24, 2020, our governor issued a “Stay Put” order for the state of Michigan. You are allowed to go out to get essential groceries and medicines, go to the bank and check your mail. Other than that, you are to stay home. This means you don’t go visit friends or your children and grandchildren. We just returned early from Florida and would have loved to see our children and grandchildren but are complying by the order. I am basically an extrovert and like to be around other people. I like to be able to take a friend out to lunch once in-awhile and now I can’t. We like to go visit our children and grandchildren every couple of weeks and now we can’t. I like to run into town and pick up items for crafting and now I can’t. So, how am I doing with staying put? I am doing six basic things to keep my life as normal as possible during these difficult times.

#1-I am keeping busy. I find that too many people are using this time at home to sit around and binge watch television or Netflix and eat things they would not otherwise eat. In other words, there is a lot of unhealthy behavior going on. Too many people have not set up a regular schedule of things to do and are really getting a bad case of cabin fever. This is not good. I am making a daily list of what needs to be accomplished that day. It includes daily chores along with cooking, cleaning, showering, dressing, etc. I check off each task as I complete it. This gives me a feeling of accomplishment and makes life as normal as possible. This is the schedule I followed this Wednesday. I completed everything on my list plus some things that were not on the list. I didn’t necessarily do them at the time I scheduled but I did complete them all.

#2-I am staying active and getting fresh air. This is not the time to forget my regular exercise routine. I still do my yoga or Pilates in the morning and ride my stationary bike in the evening. In between I get outside as much as the weather allows to get some fresh air. We are fortunate that we live across the road from hundreds of acres of National Forest. We have been able to take some long walks in the woods. Today it has been warm enough to do some yard work. Living in the woods means the trees are always losing branches and sticks. I like to think of our yard work as a giant game of “Pick Up Sticks.” Remember, just 20-30 minutes of fresh air each day in your own yard will greatly improve your spirit.
Our “game” of PICK UP STICKS Plenty of WOODS to walk in
#3-I am Texting and/or FaceTime. I am a texter. I text our children and grandchildren every day. I check on how they are doing, send little positive quotes to them along with some funny BitMojis. It dawned on me the other day that I could also FaceTime them. That way, we can see each other, talk and not have to worry about transferring germs any of us might have. They text us as well as they want to make sure we are doing okay.
#4-Creating Healthy Meals and Treats. This is a good time to take inventory of what you have in your pantry. I have done this. Then I scour the internet to see if I can find some new healthy recipes to use the items I have on hand. I love to make healthy muffins with all-natural ingredients. I noticed today that I am getting low on brown rice flour. I was lucky to find the bag I have the last time we shopped. What to do? When we were in Florida this winter, I planned on making stuffed peppers in the crockpot. The night before, I was making sure I had all the ingredients. I realized I had no rice. Not wanting to go to the big box store that time of night, we went to a small discount grocery. I did not want to purchase a large bag of white rice so opted for a small bag of brown rice. My husband is not a fan of brown rice and that was the only time I used it, so today I made brown rice flour. It may need a little sifting before I use it but it looks as good as what I have from the store. However, I made sure to store it in a glass jar in the refrigerator as it contains no preservatives.

#5-Don’t forget the self-care. I know how important it is to take care of both my physical and mental self during this time. When we were in Florida our children were extremely worried about us. Now, a mother will always worry about her children but I did not want them to have to worry so much about their father and me; so, we came home two weeks early. Now that we are here, I make sure I take time every day for me. I get up at the same time. I shower, dress in regular clothes, fix my hair and put on my makeup. I listen to music. I work on my blog. I meditate and workout. I have found a meditation app simply titled “PAUSE.” It is based on the book, Get Your Life Back by John Eldridge. I use the app twice a day to take time for me. Now, more than ever, it is important for people to practice self-care.
#6-I am staying positive. This may be a scary time for the world and it may be a time that has completely messed up your lifestyle. However, staying put and social distancing may just save your life or the life of another person. Think of this as a time you can reconnect with your spouse or significant other. Take this time to really get to know your children and enjoy their company. My mother taught me to always make the best of a bad situation. There is a quote I read someplace and can be found on my “Words of Wisdom” board on Pinterest. It says, “Your life is as good as your mindset.” Now, more than ever we all need to keep a positive mindset.
Until next time, “Keep on believing and stay safe.”
Great ways for anyone to thrive during this time!
My daughter is due to have her second child April 13, I am taking care of number one Princess. I pray we are all safe and can go to care for her.
Sending prayers for all of you.
It is definitely a struggle to stay in, having a plan for the day is important. And being positive is of utmost importance.
Love the list! Very inspirational for me, thank you.
This is such a mentally trying time for everyone right now. Thank you for these great tips. I’m an introvert and these work great for me as well.
Those are great ways to stay focused and busy! I am an introvert so I don’t miss being around people that much..I live with my husband and my elderly mother, those two keep me busy. Take care!
I’m sorry you can’t get to go see your family, we’re all experiencing some sort of drawbacks but all in a good way. I too can’t wait to go see my son! I miss him SO MUCH.. It’s good to know I’m not alone in missing someone 💜
Love that checklist idea! I need to do that. I’m an introvert, but I have got to keep myself focused or nothing really gets done and then I’m mad at myself! Thanks for some great tips!
As a family that is currently in the midst of their 2nd week of this stay at home order…and being very busy, very social people…it has been a real task to keep ourselves constructively occupied. It was nice to see what else people are doing out there.
I don’t know how people have down time during all of this. So much to do while I’m off!
Great tips for riding this thing out. Even my introvert husband misses people!
Great tips, especially the self-care and staying positive. I love using this time to learn new skills, new recipes, or time being creative.
Staying positive and not going into lazy mode is perhaps the most difficult for me. I exercise everyday but outside of that, I don’t feel like doing anything!
I worked so hard to lose 37 pounds that I have vowed I will not put any weight back on during this stressful time.
I am like a super extrovert and this has been so hard!! Thanks for the tips.
Certainly easier to handle this time when the weather is nice. We have few too many days of cold and rain in Chicago. Need the sunshine and a good walk outside to help lift spirits!
Love the last one especially, stay positive! I’m a firm believer in you become what you believe and what you spend your time thinking about!
Though I don’t consider myself an extrovert, for those in my family….I use FT / Skype anything and also encourage keeping to a schedule. Thanks for the reminders.
Being outside is the best medicine when you are told to stay at home. Thank you for sharing
Being an introvert this is definitely less challenging than for some of my more extroverted friends and co workers.
You are doing great job sticking to your plan! I wish I always had those checkmarks on everything I plan at the end of the day. And yea… shortage of rice… These are all wonderful ideas. Thank you for sharing!
This is so great! I loved reading your perspective! I am an introvert, so I didn’t really think about what it would mean for extroverts during this time <3 Your ideas are wonderful! Keep safe!
I have frequently thought about my extroverted friends who thrive on being around others. It must be so hard! I’m introverted, so most of this has proven fine for my personality other than I now have more people at home all hours of the day (which is difficult because I’m also tasked with teaching 3 of them…). All of your suggestions are great, though. Being outside in the sunshine and fresh air helps immensely.
Thanks for all the ideas! I agree that staying positive despite everything that is happening is a must.
As an introvert, I am not feeling this social distancing as much as others, but your list is still a great one to use right now!
These are essential to keep sane during the stay at home order!
Love how organized you are! It definitely helps to stay in touch with friends to be able to socialize with people outside of your house!
I’ve found that staying at home is not so bad and I’m not missing all of the things that used to fill my days. I wouldn’t have predicted that! Lol
I wish my governor would issue a shelter in place. Anyways, I agree so much with everything you said. I have only been going out for groceries the last couple of weeks and will remain just doing that for as long as it takes. Take walks around my neighborhood have been lifesavers for me. It is so important to get outside.
Agreed that getting outdoors is a must right now!
Self care is probably the hardest for me. I always try to meet the needs of others before myself.
Not leaving the house is extremely hard for me, but at least we can still go outdoors! My husband built a deck on the front of our house last year and it has been my lifesaver.
That would be cool to have the woods at your door step.
YES! Stay positive! We truly are a blessed nation and this too shall pass. Keep up the good work!