2023 is a new year, offering each of us 365 possibilities to be the best “ME” we can be. I am not a big believer in making New Year’s resolutions, as resolving to do a specific thing can be stressful and disappointing when you fail. If I resolve to lose weight and don’t, then I feel like a failure. If I resolve to read 100 books in the year and only manage to read 25, I become disappointed in myself. For me, resolutions focus too much on the negative and not enough on the positive.
In the past several years, I have developed goals I want to achieve throughout the year instead of resolving to do something. However, I have too often realized by the end of the year that somewhere along the way, I lost sight of those goals. Instead of setting goals for 2023, I will focus on five Ps to BE a better me.

I want to BE PRESENT! The recent loss of a good friend reminded me of how fragile life is. It hit home when his wife, one of my best friends, said she was so not ready for his passing. I thought, are we ever? I remember when I was 31, my mother suddenly died of a heart attack. We visited the day before, and she was healthy, vibrant, and so full of life. Did I tell her how much I loved her before we left that day? At the time, I had no idea I would not see her again. I want to make sure I tell my family each time we see each other or talk on the phone how much I love them. When we visit in person, I want to be present in what they tell me and what we do. I want to make sure that not a day goes by that I don’t tell my hubby I love him or share laughter and hugs as we continue to make memories.

I want to BE POSITIVE! When life doesn’t turn out the way I think it should, I want to have faith that what is, was meant to be. In fact, my WORD for 2023 is FAITH. Several years ago, I read a book that a good friend recommended: One Word That Will Change Your Life by Jon Gordon. The book’s premise is that instead of creating resolutions that are soon broken or forgotten, you choose one word each year and focus on that word as your purpose for the year. In the past, my words have been gratitude, simplify, mindfulness, and perseverance. To keep my word front and center in my life, I will post a quote about faith on my Facebook account at least once a week.

I want to BE PRODUCTIVE! After self-publishing my first novel in 2020, I set a goal to write and publish two books per year. So far, I have had no problem reaching that goal, as I published my fifth book in November 2022. This year, I plan on writing and publishing the first two books in my new series, “A Touch of Home” Mysteries. You can read more about this series in my monthly “Christina Siwik Author Newsletter,” found in the menu at the top of this post. However, I also want to be more productive with my blog postings this year. I am afraid I have let my busy life interfere with this. I want to try and have at least one post per month in 2023.

I want to BE PATIENT! Anyone who knows me well will tell you that I am not a patient person. When I want something done, I want it done now. I need to learn that my needs don’t always take precedence over what others are doing; the world does not revolve around me. When I pray, I need to be patient and have faith that, in some way, my prayer will be answered. I tend not to be patient when I am writing. I have learned that if this happens, I don’t always produce the best story, so I must be patient when developing the final product. Finally, I need to be patient with others, especially those who don’t think or move as quickly as I think they should. After all, patience is a virtue.

Finally, I want to BE PROACTIVE! I have slacked off on leading a healthier lifestyle. I need to do the things every day to produce a healthier me and prevent illnesses later on. By eating more nutritious meals and getting more movement each day, I will be able to make my body stronger. I want to sit less and walk more. I must ensure I don’t skip my yearly health exams, vaccines, and regular eye and dental checkups. Too many times, we feel good and don’t have a health issue, so we put off going to the doctor. I want to continue to make the necessary appointments each year in hopes that if something is wrong, I catch any potential health issue before it is too late.
By focusing on my BEs, I feel 2023 will help me be the best me there is. What will you focus on BEING in 2023?
Until next time-“Don’t Save Today For Tomorrow!”