Have you ever wanted to do something very special but felt you were too old or didn’t want to “waste” money on something so frivolous? Have you ever felt that life has passed you by? Well, don’t give up on yourself. As Walt Disney said, “All our dreams can some true if we have the courage to pursue them.”
One of our sons, David, studied in England in 2001 for four months as an undergrad and in Scotland for a year from September 2005 to June 2006, getting a double masters degree from the University of Strathclyde. He made many friends while he was there and has taken several trips back to the area to visit them. On one trip, he stopped in to a bookstore in London and purchased an historical mystery book for me. It was the first in a series. I enjoyed the book so much that I have purchased the entire series and wait anxiously each year for the new book to come out.

In the spring of 2016, David said he was planning a trip the following year back to Great Britain. He knew how much I had enjoyed the book he bought as we were often discussing the series. He told me maybe he could find me another book I would like as much. Then it hit me; I was retired so why couldn’t I go with him and buy my own book? When I approached him about this, David loved the idea. My hubby didn’t care to go as 8 hours on a plane wasn’t something he wanted to do. However, that five minute talk with David and sudden leap of faith for me set off a year of planning for my dream trip of a lifetime at the age of 70.
Since David had already been back to Europe several times, I had a ready made tour guide. We both majored in history in college and have many of the same interests. We discussed where we wanted to go, when we wanted to go and how long we wanted our trip to be. Then I let him plan the entire trip. All I had to do was get a passport and pay for my portion of the trip.
I remember how excited I was the day my passport arrived in the mail. I took a photo of it and texted it to my son with a big smiley face. That was my sign that this trip was really going to happen. Of course, I had to buy a new iPhone to replace my old one that had very little memory. I made sure my new one had plenty of memory as well as unlimited text, talk and data. I also signed up for the temporary service I would need for my phone to work in Europe. I did the same with my credit card. In fact, I did that before my son did, so I was the one who bought our train tickets on-line for our trip from Glasgow to Coventry and then on to London.
IT IS HERE! I can take 1000’s of photos with this
None of my luggage was suitable for an overseas flight so I purchased a new one that met airline specifications. I remember my hustband was doubtful that I could fit everything I needed into that one suitcase. Along about March, I started putting together the clothes and other items I would need. My son and I planned on doing laundry at least once so all I needed was a week’s worth of clothing. Both my curling iron and mini straightener had duel electrical use so would work fine in Europe. All I had to do was buy the correct outlet plug fittings from Amazon. Per my son’s direction, I took toiletries in small bottles that would last for the two weeks we would be gone. I bought a new pair of shoes that were great for walking but suitable for dressier occasions. One sweater and my trench coat were all I would need for that time of year. Any other light jacket I would need, I wore on the flight there. Believe me, a lot of texting went on between my son and I that year.
Yes, it does all fit These shoes are made for walking
We left Detroit Metro Airport via Delta Airlines at 4:30 pm EST on Monday, May 15, 2017. We settled in for an eight hour flight to our first destination-Amsterdam, Netherlands. We originally were going to fly to Amsterdam, spend most of the day there and then fly to Krakow, Poland for two days. It turned out the Poland visit was not feasible at that time so we opted for three days in Amsterdam. It is such a beautiful city that I am glad we did. Our time in Amsterdam was well spent.
My view from 30,000 feet We have arrived to Detroit Metro. This is really happening!
We arrived to Schiphol Airport in Amsterdam at around 7:00 am local time on Tuesday morning, May 16, 2017. Our hotel was less than a mile from the airport but we could not check in until noon, so after spending a few hours at the airport, we caught the free shuttle bus from the airport to our hotel. We opted for an early dinner and evening so we would be fresh for the next day’s explorations.
Schiphol Airport as we leave on the shuttle bus Getting ready to board the bus Hotel Ibis Amsterdam-nice
Wednesday morning found us up bright and early. The weather forecast for the day was for temperatures in the 80’s which was great news. After a bite to eat-instant oatmeal for me-we caught the shuttle bus back to the airport to purchase our train tickets that would take us to the Amsterdam Centraal Station. When we arrived I could not believe how beautiful the station, built in 1889, was. As we stepped out into the bright sunlight I almost had to pinch myself; I was really here in Amsterdam.

My first view of Amsterdam-Victoria Hotel
Our first day of touring Amsterdam introduced us to so much history and art. Here in the United States, we think of a structure that was around during the Revolutionary War as old. In Amsterdam, we were able to see on a daily basis buildings that dated back to the 1600’s and before. The first such building we visited was the Rembrandt House Museum, located in the converted (1911) home of Dutch painter Rembrandt van der Rijn. He lived there for 30 years starting in 1639. He created many of his famous artworks there and taught many art students there as well. It was quite the experience walking in the same rooms as he did and seeing some of the tools he used and his art work up close.

From the Rembrandt House we continued to tour that area and viewed other old buildings such as the Basilica of Saint Nicholas and the DeWaag, located on Nieuwmarkt Square. The DeWaag was built in the 1400’s and was a city gate and a part of Amsterdam’s walls. In 1617 it was converted into a weigh house. It is the oldest non-religious building still left.

We especially enjoyed the canals in Amsterdam. We had so much we wanted to see in two days so did not take a canal tour-maybe next time. However, we did get to see the Munttoren or Munt Tower. It is located where the Singel Canal and Amstel River meet. It was built in 1480 and renovated in 1961. I am afraid I cut off the clock portion in my close up photo.
Munt Tower where the Singel Canal and Amstel River meet Bottom portion of Munt Tower A canal tour would be fun Munt Tower
One other place we were able to visit on that first day was the Hermitage Museum located on Amstel. Believe it or not, it is a branch museum of the famous Hermitage Museum located in Saint Petersburg, Russia. The building that houses the Hermitage Amsterdam was built in 1681 and was opened as the Hermitage in 2009. It has permanent exhibits as well as temporary ones. We did not have time to see everything so opted to visit the temporary exhibit. It was an exhibit of 1917 Russia and featured the Romanovs, Tsar Nicholas and Tsarina Alexandria and their rise and fall in revolutionary Russia. Since I have studied quite a bit of Russian history, I especially enjoyed this. I found the exhibit fascinating and learned so much about that time period in Russia. It was a great way to end our first day of touring.

Thursday found us once again taking the shuttle bus back to the airport and catching the train to Amsterdam Centraal. We had plans to meet one of David’s friends, that he met while attending college in Great Britain, for lunch. Robert was from the Netherlands and currently living and working in Amsterdam. Following Robert’s directions, we caught the correct tram at the train station that took us to the section of the city where we were meeting Robert. It was a beautiful day so we found a delightful café and were seated outside along the sidewalk. While we ate and talked, I couldn’t help but watch all the activity around us.
The Tram-an easy way to get around the city It was a beautiful day to eat outside
I found it most interesting the number of people in Amsterdam that travel around the city by bicycle. That is how Robert had arrived. In fact, walkers use their side walk while the bikers have their own paved path right along side. The walker has to be careful not to wander into the wrong path lest you get runover by a bike. When you do walk around the city, you notice all the beautiful architecture displayed in the buildings.
Notice the many bicycles Beautiful old home-now site of Atlas Fiscalisten tax consultants
After our relaxing lunch with Robert, David and I took off on foot towards the famous Rijksmuseum located on Museumstraat and founded in 1809. This museum is so large-there are 250 rooms- that with your ticket purchase you actually get a softcover book that has a map of the museum, describes each section and the artworks or items in each section. Since we only had a few hours to visit, we chose what specific areas we wanted to tour. I was in awe seeing original artwork by Monet and Renoir, more of Rembrandt’s paintings, just to name a few. The self-portrait by Vincent Van Gogh was one of my favorites. In order to see everything the Rijksmuseum has to offer would take days. However, it is an experience I am glad I had as it was awesome to see the original paintings and artwork of the great masters.
Rijksmuseum Great Hall and original entrance Murals in the great hall Stain glass window in the great hall Van Gogh self portrait
Had we had more time in Amsterdam, I would have loved to see the Van Gogh Museum, Anne Frank Museum, the Royal Pallace (built in 1648), take a canal tour and tour the Hortus Botanicus Amsterdam. These are on my bucket list for my next visit.
We were up very early on Friday morning, May 19, 2017,to catch the shuttle bus back to Schiphol Airport. Our time in Amsterdam was over. As we boarded our 7:00 am flight to Glasgow, I couldn’t wait to arrive and begin the next portion of our adventure.
For Part II-check back in a few weeks.
As always, “Don’t Save Today for Tomorrow.”
Such a fabulous trip!! I’m glad you were able to do that trip!!! Such a wonderful memory!!
Aw, this looks like an amazing trip!
What an awesome adventure! Looks like so much fun and the photos are wonderful!
What a wonderful start to your trip with your son! I look forward to reading the rest of your adventures. I happened to be traveling in the UK that same year with my mother, sisters and niece! You are NEVER too old for another adventure! One of my sisters returned to Scotland with me last year. I am loving traveling.
It sounds like you have a great trip with your son. I am glad you are able to go with him and he allows you to do it. How sweet you got to spend time with him, see the place where he normally go and meet some of the people he knew during his stay in Europe. I am so happy reading this and its inspire younger ones like us.
How awesome!!! A dream come. And good for you for seeing the opportunity and jumping on it.
Very cool dream that you made some true!
I’m glad you decided to make the trip. My daughter lives in Italy and I spent a whole month with her and plan to go back during the Christmas season. Carpe Diem!
How fun! That’s awesome that you got to go on that adventure with your son.
What an exciting trip!! It looks like a gorgeous city
What a thrilling adventure!
Such a wonderful experience!! Thank you for sharing.
What a wonderful trip! I love history also, so I enjoyed your pictures.
Sounds like an amazing travel journey. I’d like to go to the art galleries/museums.
Reading your post out a huge smile on my face!I loved reading about your excitement in plannin . And what a beautiful experience to have with your son!
Amsterdam is definitely a gem! And the bikes are absolutely insane. I would be intimidated to ride one there. Can’t wait to read more
How exciting! I’m so glad you had this experience!
Good for you. Traveling is a treat at any age.
Amsterdam is my favorite city. We loved it. I highly recommend a canal tour, the Anne Frank Huis and Van Gogh museum. All were amazing.
What a wonderful opportunity and adventure! I’m so glad you went and enjoyed the trip. I would absolutely love to go to Amsterdam. Thank you for sharing your story and photos!
You are right your never to old to dream just have to keep pushing.Thank you for sharing.
What a great dream! I look forward to seeing it all unfold!
That is so awesome you got to go to Europe. The thing with traveling is when you go somewhere so cool like Amsterdam, you want to see more and go more places!
A good post is one that sucks your readers in. That would be me…I want to go!
Wait until you see part 2.
Your excitement is exuded throughout this post – I read it twice just to feel your excitement. I couldn’t help but wonder if you ever bought yourself a new book?
Yes, I did-a book of British mysteries.
Very cool! My husband also majored in history, and he studied abroad for a semester in college. I’d love to travel out of the United States with him someday.
That’s so cool that you got to check one of your dreams off your list! I’d love to see the Hermitage Amsterdam. I agree that you’re never too old to go after a dream. I’m currently working on my first novel. It’s scary, but I’m pretty proud of making a go of it!
Good for you! I traveled with my mom to Ireland after she talked about doing it for TWENTY YEARS! Now we can’t wait to go back!
so happy for you! LIVING THE DREAM!!!!!! YAY!!!!
We enjoyed Amsterdam too and this makes me want to go back! Isn’t is crazy how many bikes there are?! From Amsterdam, we went to Brussels. I’m interested to read about your time in Poland!
We didn’t get there-had to change our plans.
I traveled to Amsterdam in 2011 with my mother and had an amazing time! I loved the canals and all the bikes. What a trip you had!
Very cool adventure! It’s always a challenge getting everything fit in the suitcase just right!
What a great post, lots of usable info and I love your bag, especially the fact that you can get everything you need into it! Checking it out, thanks for sharing 🙂
So excited for you! You are making your dreams come true! Inspiring!!
Dreams are goals! Make them happen!